[ ' D r i n k g W a t e r T r e a t m e n t ' , i n ' R e c y c l i n g W a t e r T r e a t m e n t ' ]
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Alum Crystal Trade Information
D ) ' ] [ ' C a s h i n A d v a n c e ( C I
500 Kilograms Per Month
7 Days
50 kg plastic cover bag
[ ]
[ ' A l l I n d i a ' ]
Product Description
Alum Crystal is a highly pure industrial grade crystal used for drinking water and recycling water treatment applications. With a purity of over 99%, it is an effective coagulant for removing impurities and suspended particles from water. Its physical form as a crystal ensures easy handling and storage. This alum crystal product is specially designed for industrial usage, making it highly effective in treating water for various applications. Its unique properties make it a go-to solution for water treatment plants.
FAQs of Alum Crystal:
Q: What is the purity of Alum Crystal?
A: Alum Crystal has a purity of over 99%.
Q: What is the physical form of Alum Crystal?
A: Alum Crystal is in the form of crystals.
Q: What is the grade of Alum Crystal?
A: Alum Crystal is an industrial grade product.
Q: What are the applications of Alum Crystal?
A: Alum Crystal is used for drinking water treatment and recycling water treatment.
Q: Is Alum Crystal effective in treating water for various applications?
A: Yes, Alum Crystal is highly effective in treating water for various applications.